Tuesday 1 January 2008

Cottar Pool Newtyle Beat

Happy New Year to everyone.
Here's big water fly fishing perfection on the left bank of our 'Cottar Pool'. At this height (3ft on gauge) salmon love to come snooping up this side of the pool in off this green bank. There are a few big stones on the riverbed off this bank which create options for the salmon to lie in.
In February (when we open for fishing again) this is one of the best spots on the beat in big water. On the 18th of February in 2006 we had a lovely sea-liced 24 pounder from this stream. It took less than 15 yds from the bank in exactly the same waterheight as you see today. This stream is exactly where I caught the 42 inch cock salmon on the 12th of December as featured on this blog (River Tay Salmon).
For more information on the Newtyle beat Click here.

Jock Monteith

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