Wednesday 2 January 2008

The Boil Newtyle Beat

Here's a video of 'The Boil' pool taken today in high water. The taking areas when it's big like this are in close to the edge of the stream or at the tail of the pool in the calmer water. This is a magnificent fly pool in low to medium water and 'The Boil' accounts for many fly caught salmon each year. Although it's well hidden in these big water conditions there is a huge boulder out in mid stream which creates a boiling effect (more visible in low water). There's a lovely choppy deep channel that runs down the left hand side of the stone which salmon just love to lie in. There's also a gradually deepening stream above the stone which in low water holds many salmon. In the 70's the Newtyle anglers used to draw straws to see who was going to fish this pool first. I caught my first salmon right here where I shot this video from back in 1970 when I was knee high to a grasshopper !!

For more information on the Newtyle Beat Click here.

Jock Monteith

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