Saturday 9 January 2010

River Helmsdale in Sutherland

Here's the partially frozen Caen Stream on the River Helmsdale which is classic early Spring salmon holding water. The River Helmsdale salmon fishing season opens this coming Monday and most of this ice will probably be removed by the fishers beforehand so they can search out a Springer or two on their official opening day. The only man to talk to about the River Helmsdale or any fishing tackle requirements is Ron Sutherland who is a top man. For more information on Ron's fishing tackle supply business Click here. Or contact Ron directly on 01431 821372.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great to meet you the other day Jock..many thanks for the web-link.
We have still no springers up here yet but trying hard now that the ice is gone!

Tight lines
Ron Sutherland